Sarah Thibadeau ~ Chicago, IL:

“We love yoga with Farrah! My son (started yoga at 3, now 4) and I have been doing yoga over Zoom with her for many months now (since 2020), and we always end feeling refreshed, relaxed, and happy for the day. It has been especially good for my son, who is extremely shy and very sensitive to loud sounds. Farrah has been excellent with him – she’s so good at reading his moods and needs, and modifying her lessons to best suit him. She goes high energy if she senses that he’s bouncy that day, and slows things down to be calmer if she senses that he needs things quieter. She’s great at gently keeping him focused on the lesson, but also willing to go with the flow to meet the attention span and unpredictability of very young kids. With her, he is really coming out of his shell, which is so wonderful to see. He’ll proudly show me different poses he’s learned, and talk excitedly about what he wants to do next. We just love Farrah!”

Valerie Schillaci ~ Houston, TX:

“Farrah’s family yoga class was a revelation! I don’t practice yoga regularly, but to see how my energetic and emotional 3-year-old responded to the breathing exercises and poses was incredible. She began to do yoga poses on her own everyday and we regularly use breathing techniques in tantrum moments and when emotions are high. I would put my daughter in Farrah’s class regularly without hesitation, for movement, flexibility, emotion regulation, and pure parent-child bonding time. Love it and love her!

Donald Lefeber ~ Houston, TX:

“My yoga experience and enthusiasm that I gained for Yoga has been incredible — not just for physical but also mental and spiritual transformation in my life. Normally, I try something out for fun and completely forget about it the next day. But after taking some yoga classes with Farrah, I have been inspired to implement what I’ve learned from Yoga into regular practices in my life.  I highly recommend Farrah’s services whether you’re seeking something to supplement improving health and wellness, professional sports training enhancement or just a fun pursuit!!”

Clare Shaheen ~ Williamsburg, NYC:

“Large yoga classes often left me feeling distracted, disconnected and sometimes bored but a private yoga session with Farrah was truly a 'luxurious' experience. Farrah listened to my needs for that day and tailored a personal practice that made me feel focused and present in both body and spirit. Her attention and explanation of each posture coupled with gentle adjustments and her killer soundtrack were spot on and stayed with me long after our session ended, not unlike a great massage. After one session, I felt stronger, more flexible and eager to continue practicing yoga on a daily basis. I recommend finding time for a personal class with this yogi goddess immediately!” 

Chris Lenox Smith ~ Williamsburg, NYC: 

“I lead an active lifestyle, but have never been very flexible. I've always felt somewhat held back in my workouts, particularly when it comes to stretching and reaching my toes. Farrah has been super helpful in assisting me to address these issues. And her music selection is spot on!”

Debra Richardson ~ Midtown East, NYC:

“I have tried different Yoga classes over the years and Instructors. I never came away from the a class feeling particularly better or impressed. My one to one class with Farrah is a wonderful experience. By the end of my lesson the tension and stress in my body has disappeared and I go home feeling stronger and inches taller! She is so patient and understanding of my abilities in each lesson and gently helps me adjust my body into the correct positions and stretch out my limbs. Farrah exudes the love she has for Yoga and is a calming beautiful soul. I wish I could have an hour a day with her!”

Elida Jbeili ~ Washington Heights, NYC:

“Yoga practice was always a challenge for me. Farrah is a wonderful and patient instructor who is teaching me yoga in an approachable and fun manner so that I am able to learn it in a way that it could become more intuitive. I now look forward to yoga class with Farrah. I can’t recommend her enough.”